Marco Zenini Trio

For the third Residence Supernova will host a new trio formed by Marco Zenini, acoustic and electric bass player with classical and jazz background, Federico Pascucci, saxophonist and clarinetist with a strong interest in balkan and middle eastern music, and Jeries Haddad, quaninst and composer.

During their successful careers Haddad, Pascucci and Zenini have explored different musical languages that span from jazz to traditional music. Their musical work is characterized by an innovative language that finds connection between contemporary music and the various musical folk-traditions of the Mediterranean.  

The three artists, together for the first time at Supernova, will take inspiration from Sufi music, Tony Scott’s studies on music for zen meditation and improvisation language in the contemporary music to compose and perform original music with the intent to celebrate the true sense of the musical residency: encounter and creation.

Marco Zenini Trio’s members are:

Jeries Haddad • quanun

Federico Pascucci • saxophone, clarinet and ney

Marco Zenini • acoustic bass


Friday, May 3rd, 10am: start of the residency, opening of Supernova spaces

Saturday, May 4th, 6pm: conversation with the musicians and open rehearsals

Sunday, May 5th, 6pm: final concert

From the 5th to the 7th of April


The Mediterranean Sea is a millennia-old witness of migrations and cultural exchanges, among which dozens of musical traditions have flourished over the centuries, intertwining in a continuous exchange of languages and sounds.

The Supernova space, overlooking a square ideally situated at the center of the Mediterranean basin, will host Santa Mediterranea, a series of three-day musical residencies. From March to May, Santa Mediterranea will bring together in Trastevere artists who have dedicated a significant part of their musical research to exploring the diverse sounds and musical suggestions of the Mediterranean.

For the second residence, Supernova will host Malìa, a duo of voices and frame drums that brings into dialogue the traces and mutual influences of the  Mediterranean musical traditions. Malìa’s duo combines the pure sound of polyphonic singing with the rhythms of Italian Tarantelle, Spanish jotas, Chilean cuecas, as well as Sephardic chants, evoking a contemporary version of the ancestral people’s storytelling. The result of this exploration is a diverse performance that spans centuries of musical stratifications, highlighting its hybrid and mixed nature. 

At Supernova, the duo, in addition to presenting their own work in concert, will work together with singers and multi-instrumentalists Lavinia Mancusi and Chiara Odorisio on the composition and arrangement of original pieces.

Malìa’s members are:

Denise Di Maria • voice and frame drums 

Livia Giaffreda • voice and frame drums 


Friday, April 5th, 11:00 AM: Start of the residency, opening of Supernova spaces.

Saturday, April 6th, 6:00 PM: Conversation with the musicians, open rehearsals, and dj-set with live musical accompaniment.

Sunday, April 7th, 4:00 PM: Final Concert.

From Friday the 15th to Sunday the 17th the first musical residency event curated by Vittorio Gatti and Nicolò Petruzzella will take place at Spazio Supernova.

The Mediterranean Sea is a millennia-old witness of migrations and cultural exchanges, among which dozens of musical traditions have flourished over the centuries, intertwining in a continuous exchange of languages and sounds.

The Supernova space, overlooking a square ideally situated at the center of the Mediterranean basin, will host Santa Mediterranea, a series of three-day musical residencies. From March to May, Santa Mediterranea will bring together in Trastevere artists who have dedicated a significant part of their musical research to exploring the diverse sounds and musical suggestions of the Mediterranean.

The first residents are the members of Malhuma, a string quartet dedicated to composing and performing original instrumental music, significantly influenced by the sounds and instruments typical of Mediterranean culture. The creative process of the group is deeply influenced by their connection with the places that inspire their music. Their debut album, Terra Murata, was recorded live in the deconsecrated church of Santa Margherita Nuova on the island of Procida, near the Gulf of Naples. The genesis and recording of the album became the subject of a documentary of the same name, that shows the studio work phases and fascinating scenes of the island that inspired their music.

Malhuma is currently working on composing the music that will be part of their second album. Some of these pieces will be written and presented to the public for the first time during their residency in the spaces of Supernova.

The Members of Malhuma are:

Marcello Smigliante Gentile • mandolin, mandocello

Alessandro Butera • manouche guitar, mohan veena

Gianluca Trinchillo • classical guitar

Bruno Belardi • double bass


Friday, March 15th, 11:00 AM: Start of the residency, opening of Supernova spaces.

Saturday, March 16th, 6:00 PM: Conversation with the artists and open rehearsals with live musical accompaniment of fragments from the documentary Terra Murata.

Sunday, March 17th, 4:00 PM: Final Concert.